Baker County District Attorney
1955 3rd Street
Baker City, OR 97814
Phone: 541-523-8205 Fax: 541-523-3913
Email: gbaxter@bakercounty.org
Web: www.bakercounty.org/da/da.html
Clackamas County District Attorney
John D. Wentworth, DA
807 Main Street
Oregon City, OR 97045
Phone: 503-655-8431 Fax: 503-650-8943
Email: JWentworth@clackamas.us
Web: www.clackamas.us/da
Columbia County District Attorney
Joshua Pond, DA
230 Strand Street
St. Helens, OR 97051
Phone: 503-397-0300 Fax: 503-397-2760
Email: Joshua.Pond@columbiacountyor.gov
Web: www.co.columbia.or.us
Crook County District Attorney
Kari Hathorn, DA
300 NE 3rd Street
Prineville, OR 97754
Phone: 541-447-4158 Fax: 541-447-6978
Email: kari.hathorn@co.crook.or.us
Web: www.co.crook.or.us
Deschutes County District Attorney
Steve Gunnels, DA
1164 NW Bond Street
Bend, OR 97701
Phone: 541-388-6520 Fax: 541-330-4691
Email: info@dcda.us
Web: www.dcda.us
Gilliam County District Attorney
Kara Davis, DA
P.O. Box 622
Condon, OR 97823
Phone: 541-384-3844 Fax: 541-384-3846
Email: kara.davis@co.gilliam.or.us
Web: www.co.gilliam.or.us
Harney County District Attorney
Ryan Hughes, DA
450 N Buena Vista #15
Burns, OR 97720
Phone: 541-573-8300 Fax: 541-573-8304
Email: ryan.hughes@co.harney.or.us
Web: www.co.harney.or.us/districtattorney.html
Jackson County District Attorney
Beth Heckert, DA
815 Wb10th
Medford, OR 97501
Phone: 541-774-8181 Fax: 541-608-2982
Email: heckerbe@jacksoncounty.org
Web: www.jacksoncountyor.org
Josephine County District Attorney
Joshua J. Eastman, DA
500 NW 6th Street, Dept. 16
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Phone: 541-474-5200 Fax: 541-474-5201
Email: da@co.josephine.or.us
Web: www.co.josephine.or.us
Lake County District Attorney
Ted Martin, DA
513 Center Street
Lakeview, OR 97630
Phone: 541-947-6009 Fax: 541-947-6008
Email: tmartin@co.lake.or.us
Web: www.lakecountyor.org
Lincoln County District Attorney
Jenna Wallace, DA
225 W Olive Street, Room 100
Newport, OR 97365
Phone: 541-265-4145 Fax: 541-265-3461
Email: jwallace@co.lincoln.or.us
Web: www.co.lincoln.or.us/da
Malheur County District Attorney
David Goldthorpe, DA
251 B Street West, Box 6
Vale, OR 97918
Phone: 541-473-5127 Fax: 541-473-5199
Email: dave.goldthorpe@malheurco.org
Web: www.malheurco.org
Morrow County District Attorney
Justin Nelson, DA
P.O. Box 664
Heppner, OR 97836
Phone: 541-676-5626 Fax: 541-676-5660
Email: jnelson@co.morrow.or.us
Web: www.morrowcountyoregon.com
Polk County District Attorney
Aaron Felton, DA
850 Main Street
Dallas, OR 97338
Phone: 503-623-9268 Fax: 503-623-7556
Email: felton.aaron@co.polk.or.us
Web: www.co.polk.or.us/da
Tillamook County District Attorney
Aubrey Olson, DA
201 Laurel Avenue
Tillamook, OR 97141
Phone: 503-842-3410 Fax: 503-842-1802
Email: aolson@co.tillamook.or.us
Web: www.co.tillamook.or.us
Union County District Attorney
Kelsie McDaniel, DA
1104 K Avenue
La Grande, OR 97850
Phone: 541-963-1007 Fax: 541-963-1080
Email: kmcdaniel@union-county.org
Web: www.union-county.org
Wasco County District Attorney
Matthew Ellis, DA
511 Washington Street
The Dalles, OR 97058
Phone: 541-506-2680 Fax: 541-506-2681
Email: matthewe@co.wasco.or.us
Web: www.co.wasco.or.us
Wheeler County District Attorney
Gretchen Ladd, DA
701 Adams Street | P.O. Box 512
Fossil, OR 97830
Phone: 541-763-4207 Fax: 541-763-2186
Email: gladd@co.wheeler.or.us
Web: www.wheelercounty-oregon.com
Benton County District Attorney
Ryan Joslin, DA
Benton County Courthouse
Corvallis, OR 97330
Phone: 541-766-6815 Fax: 541-766-6701
Email: ryan.joslin@bentoncountyor.gov
Web: www.bentoncountyor.gov
Clatsop County District Attorney
Ron Brown, DA
P.O. Box 149
Astoria, OR 97103
Phone: 503-325-8581 Fax: 503-325-9305
Email: rbrown@co.clatsop.or.us
Web: www.co.clatsop.or.us
Coos County District Attorney
R. Paul Frasier, DA
Coos County Courthouse
Coquille, OR 97423
Phone: 541-396-7550 Fax: 541-396-1015
Email: coosda@co.coos.or.us
Web: www.co.coos.or.us
Curry County District Attorney
Joshua A. Spansail, DA
94235 Moore St, Ste 232
Gold Beach, OR 97444
Phone: 541-247-3298 x3220 Fax: 541-247-6680
Email: spansailj@co.curry.or.us
Web: www.co.curry.or.us
Douglas County District Attorney
Rick L. Wesenberg, DA
P.O. Box 1006
Roseburg, OR 97470
Phone: 541-440-4388 Fax: 541-440-4403
Email: rlwesenb@co.douglas.or.us
Web: www.co.douglas.or.us
Grant County District Attorney
Jim Carpenter, DA
201 S Humbolt, Ste 100
Canyon City, OR 97820
Phone: 541-575-0146 Fax: 541-575-0173
Email: carpenterj@grantcounty-or.gov
Web: www.grantcounty-or.gov
Hood River County District Attorney
Carrie Rasmussen, DA
309 State Street
Hood River, OR 97031
Phone: 541-386-3103 Fax: 541-387-6804
Email: carrie.rasmussen@co.hood-river.or.us
Web: www.co.hood-river.or.us
Jefferson County District Attorney
Steven Leriche, DA
75 SE C Street, Ste. B
Madras, OR 97741
Phone: 541-475-4452 x4105 Fax: 541-475-4512
Email: districtattorney@co.jefferson.or.us
Web: www.co.jefferson.or.us
Klamath County District Attorney
David Schutt, DA
316 Main Street, Rm 135
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Phone: 541-883-5147 Fax: 541-883-5107
Email: dschutt@klamathcounty.org
Web: www.klamathcounty.org/depts/DA
Lane County District Attorney
Chris Parosa, DA
125 E 8th Avenue, Rm 400
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-682-4261 Fax: 541-682-2310
Email: christopher.parosa@lanecountyor.gov
Web: www.lanecounty.org
Linn County District Attorney
Doug Marteeny, DA
P.O. Box 100
Albany, OR 97321
Phone: 541-967-3836 Fax: 541-928-3501
Email: dmarteeny@co.linn.or.us
Web: www.co.linn.or.us
Marion County District Attorney
Paige Clarkson, DA
P.O. Box 14500
Salem, OR 97309
Phone: 503-588-5222 Fax: 503-588-3564
Email: pclarkson@co.marion.or.us
Web: www.co.marion.or.us/DA
Multnomah County District Attorney
Nathan Vasquez, DA
1021 SW Fourth
Portland, OR 97204
Phone: 503-988-3773 Fax: 503-988-3643
Email: nathan.vasquez@mcda.us
Web: www.mcda.us
Sherman County District Attorney
Wade McLeod, DA
P.O. Box 393
Moro, OR 97039
Phone: 541-565-3534 Fax: 541-565-3178
Email: wmcleod@co.sherman.or.us
Web: www.sherman-county.com
Umatilla County District Attorney
Daniel Primus, DA
216 SE Fourth
Pendleton, OR 97801
Phone: 541-276-7111 x270 Fax: 541-278-5466
Email: daniel.primus@umatillacounty.net
Web: www.umatillacounty.net/DA.htm
Wallowa County District Attorney
Rebecca Frolander, DA
101 S River Street, Rm 201
Enterprise, OR 97828
Phone: 541-426-4543 x640 Fax: 541-426-6128
Email: wcda@co.wallowa.or.us
Web: www.co.wallowa.or.us
Washington County District Attorney
Kevin Barton, DA
150 N First Avenue, Suite 300, MS 40
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Phone: 503-846-8671 Fax: 503-846-3407
Email: Kevin_Barton@co.washington.or.us
Web: www.co.washington.or.us
Yamhill County District Attorney
Kate Lynch, DA
535 E 5th Avenue
McMinnville, OR 97128
Phone: 503-434-7539 Fax: 503-434-576
Email: lynchk@yamhillcounty.gov
Web: www.co.yamhill.or.us
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